Does Insurance Cover a Nutritionist or a Dietitian visit?


Does Insurance Cover Nutritionist or Dietitian?

Does insurance cover nutritionist or a dietitian?

One of the most asked google questions I notice when looking for a registered dietitian is if their insurances cover nutrition counseling for a dietitian. 

Yes, most insurance cover MOST if not ALL visit with a Registered Dietitian. Most insurances include Blue Shield, Aetna, Hills Physicians, Sutter, United Healthcare (UHC), UMR, Anthem Blue Cross, or Cigna.

In this blog, I will be speaking based on my experience and generalization on what insurances cover nutrition counseling and how much coverage they allow.

Please do keep in MIND this is me speaking in general terms. This is also speaking from someone that is in California. This is NOT a substitute to checking your OWN specific coverage. 

So let’s go on with it.

Does insurance pay for nutrition counseling?

Yes it does!


For the most part, majority of major commercial insurances will pay for your nutrition counseling -whether this is in person or virtually (like Zoom). This is assuming the dietitian you are working is IN-NETWORK with them. 

The best way to find out if a Dietitian you are interested in working is in network is to call the customer service number in the back of card. I provide my clients SCRIPT on what to ask.


Commercial insurances are: 



Anthem Bluecross

United Healthcare





Whether they pay for ALL, MOST, or some really depends on the type of coverage you have. 

In my experience, co-pay (how much money you pay per visit), ranges from $6 all the way to $35.

Please keep in mind, there are more commercial insurances than I can think of – these are just the ones I have encountered the most.


How many visits are you allowed?

In my experience, most commercial insurances have generous coverage when it comes to nutrition counseling. 


It can range from eight visits per year all the way up to unlimited visits per year. 


How do I know how many visits or co-pay I have?


Generally speaking, by asking the number behind the back of your card, you will be able to know what is the co-pay and how much visits you have with your insurances. 


I have medi-cal/medicaid. Can I get help with dietitian or nutritionist for nutrition counseling?


Medi-cal is region specific and therefore the dietitian you are want to work with must be in-network with the local medi-cal for you to be seen with your Medi-cal insurance.

But once you know that they are in-network, medi-cal (at least the ones I am in network with) offer 8 visits per year for each person. You can be qualified for more visits if that local Medi-cal approves for more visits. 

What about Medicare?

Medicare covers nutrition counseling for CKD and DM2 (Chronic kidney disease and Type 2 diabetes) for 3 hours per calendar year. If there is a change of status for a client/patient, there could be more coverage. 

What do I need to use my insurance to get started?


First and foremost, a referral from a physician is needed. This can be asked during your appointment with your doctor, or you can use this referral form HERE. Nutrition services by a dietitian require a referral in California – whether it is PPO or HMO. 


Another tips for insurance use for a Registered Dietitian:


Registered Dietitians are the ONLY ones allowed in California that your insurances will cover. If someone that you work with does NOT identify as a Registered Dietitian (if they are nutritionist, health coach, life coach), your insurance will likely NOT cover them. Here is a good basic definition of what the differences are.


Ready to work with a Registered Dietitian? Do you have more questions on how to work together? Feel free to message me and see how I can help you! I help patient in the cities surrounding area like Concord, Vallejo, Pittsburg, Antioch, Hayward, Newark, Union City, Fremont, and Oakland!

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